Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Corporate campaign contributions clearly buy influence

To anyone who pays attention to the way Congress works, it is clear that under the guise of "free speech" as it is currently interpreted by the Supreme Court corporations have what amounts to “bought speech” or their ability to “purchase” elected officials through campaign contributions, perquisites like vacations, tickets and other direct bribes.

Ever wonder why our representatives can’t hear our voices? The following are only a very few lobby groups that dole out $3.5 billion per year, up 5% despite the economic crisis we are in.[1] These are funds on which representatives are totally dependent for getting elected and on which they spend more than half their time in office to procure – more time than they spend on doing the nation’s business. "Old numbers from 2007" include Lawyers $58Million [M], retirees $36 M, real estate $33M, Health professionals $32m, securities and investments $29m, insurance industry $21M, commercial banks $16M, pharmaceutical $14M, Defense $13M, electric utilities $12M, oil and gas $11, Computers $10M Israeli lobby $9M. Israel is not the only foreign nation which has established lobbying ties directly to Congress. [2] On many issues of interest to them, Israelis likely have more influence over your representatives than their consituents do.

Or for the other side of this coin see the tables [following this link -- ]on the campaign funds the President, and a select few Senators and Representatives receive from big money interests. Lobbyists carefully target their “contributions” to influence key representatives who can advance or block pending legislation. It only takes one Senator to put a "hold" on a bill or to conduct a filibuster. A million here and a million there can go a long way to cause or prevent passage of legislation. It's impossible to prove, but every body knows it's going on and how it works. While the Democrats and Republicans talk a different philosophy, this funding – fairly evenly divided between the parties – insures that the resulting legislation seldom varies much from the desires of the industries they affect. The industry lobbyists know that they didn't have to spend any "new money" on the Republicans because Republican opposition to health care reform was guaranteed from the start. Is it any surprise that especially the "Blue Dog Democrats" with immense pressure on them from the Democratic leadership to vote for health care reforms received hundreds of thousands of dollars each from the health industry just before health reform was to come to vote? All of a sudden they had serious doubts about the public option, or the cost or... Not only did they get huge campaign funds from the industry they were regulating, they also were able to deal their party leaders for additional millions in "pork barrel" legislation for their home districts. The industry knew that they didn’t have to spend “new money” on the Republicans because Republican opposition to health care reform bill was already guaranteed. It should not be news to anyone that these professional lobbyists know how to spread their money around effectively to achieve their ends without ever doing anything that could be proved to be a bribe under current regulations.

From the war industry?
From the Medical-Industrial Complex?From AgriBusiness?


[1] “$3.5 billion spent on lobbying in 2009” AP in Sac Bee 2-13-10, A8
[2] Source: “The Israeli Lobby” by Stephen Zunes, Tikkun Magazine, Nov./Dec 2007, page 50

Contact us:

p.s. If you want to read or share our complete introductory series and other blog posts about this and other issues,  see our Annotated Table of Contents below. Or if you have questions or comments, email us.     

Annotated Table of Contents
Insist candidates vote for a single act of Congress stating: “There is no relationship between speech and money stated or implied in the US Constitution and therefore no such relationship exists” as the basis of further reforms to limit the abuses of Big Money interests.
Best summary of the proposed “Recover our Democracy Act;” its Constitutional basis; removing purported legal objections, public financing of elections, limits on campaign contributions, public funding of federal elections, preprogrammed campaign website, redefining a bribe and much more
Cut and paste text to share by electronic media to spread the word on our plan
Our appointment being ignored while lobbyists immediately enter our Congressman’s office
Being on the outside: Explaining the meaning of our logo…the corrupting influence of Big Money
Political contributions, Citizens United Supreme Court Decision,  “We don’t have free speech. We can’t afford it,” our solution is an act of Congress,
 “Backdoor money in politics, quid pro quo,  “anything of material value offered or given to, or received and accepted by any candidate, incumbent or governmental employee under any circumstance shall be defined as a bribe,” penalties defined for candidates and government employees.
Our early commentaries: Free speech is fundamental to democracy, different views, uses and limitations of free speech, public financing of elections, fair and balanced media coverage

Original free speech: freedom to speak our mind,  power to “buy” both the “content” and the “delivery” of “free” speech,  "personhood" of corporations, Supreme Court and  Citizens United, ownership of the media, points of view,  political advertising, educational content, bought speech,…

Trickle down economics, tax reductions, income disparity, deregulation, power by changing belief systems, abuses, distortions and lies, is it regulation or just bad regulation?, affording governmental programs and high taxes, millennia of struggle by the rich to retain control vs. democracy,

 85% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans opposed Citizens United

Humans speaking their mind without fear, means of extending the reach of speech [meida], bought speech, literally “free” speech decoupled from money, power of the media, corporate personhood, limitations of free speech, campaigns and political speech, alternative communications for elections: public financing, freedom of the Internet….
Figures on campaign contributions given by largest lobbying corporations [6+ years old = pre Supepr PACs]
One of our earliest posts:We don't have free speech that has meaningful access to our own representatives. Our logo, our slogan, our chants, young adults, spreading the word on the Internet, Obama’s election, making videos,
Largely unedited, free associated ideas on framing the legislation
Free public website designed and formatted to conduct campaigns for office and public issues , FEC provided bank account, and credit cards , campaign accounting system and regulations, partial design specifications, real time public review access…
the most logical public space to allow the free flow of information on issues of public interest
understanding the power of corporations as a means of amassing power and money, the founding fathers originally rejected the existence of corporations,” corporations are not mentioned in the Constitution and have no protected rights; therefore, Congress may limit or abolish corporations as deemed necessary for the public good. Growth of corporate power, personhood of corporations and personal rights attributed to corporations , theory of 14th amendment [due process] applies to corporations,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

[draft only] We Don’t Have Free Speech

We have a "simple" goal to pass comprehensive Free Speech legislation in Congress which is going to eradicate the ability of self serving big money interests to corrupt our government.

How are we going to do it? Good question. First of all, we need to spread the news of our plans and goals as quickly and widely as possible. One of the key things that makes ideas spread like wildfire is to create a logo and a "sticky" slogan/chant and then present it in a way that is difficult to ignore.

The Logo

"We don't have free speech. We can't afford it," coupled with the picture of the Capitol completely surrounded by a wall of $$$$$$ makes for a very clear and memorable statement of what our central issue is: Our government is bought and paid for. Those big money interests are on the inside of that $$$$$ wall. They have access. The rest of us are outside. We don't have free speech that has meaningful access to our own representatives. Or put another way, only the rich can buy "free" speech. As long as that is true, none of the other issues that concern us will have a real chance of making progress. Getting the influence of money out of the process is fundamental to all making progress on all other issues.

[The logo only exists as a draft on a Word file. So far we have not succeeded to import it onto this site. If you would like to see it, click here to email us and put "logo request" in the subject box. We are looking for a highly skilled graphic artist who can perfect the image and send us a jpeg. Let us know of your interest.]

The Chant

How do we propose to make this work? First imagine using the chant at any gathering -- like maybe your representative's town meeting like the Tea Party people do. They get great press out of it. Why should we let them be the only voice being heard? So we chant with staccato cadence...

The leader will say: “You know what they say?”

And the crowd responds: We... Don’t... Have-Free-Speech
We...Can’t... Af-ford-It!

[L] What do they say?

We... Don’t... Have-Free-Speech
We...Can’t... Af-ford-It!

[L] How’s that again? [and then make up more lead lines….]

We... Don’t... Have-Free-Speech
We...Can’t... Af-ford-It!

That's our mantra. It's what the author of the book Tipping Point calls “sticky” – It makes our point in the simplest, clearest way. It’s catchy. It’s memorable. The loga and chant tell exactly what we are about and around which we organize.

The Media

We chant it over and over,… first from the “right side” of the gathering "We don't have free speech," and echoed on the “left,” "We can't afford it." Back and forth. Engaging. Growing in intensity and conviction. Chants used properly have amazing power, especially to capture the attention of the media. It makes the great visuals TV news is always looking for -- the chant and the logo.

Our plan, once we have great artwork for the logo, it to get a bunch of them made up to get a better price and to make them available to anyone who wants to buy them for their own local groups use.

So that's the raw material. How do we spread it other than chanting it for the media? There's nothing like the Internet --websites, blogsites, chat rooms, on FaceBook and Twitter and on places that most older folks don’t even know about,… That's the primary medium to spread it rapidly and it works. The next question is how do we present it so that it catches on?

We’re going to do what the Tea Party does so well -- chant it until it fills the streets in front of the Supreme Court and the White House… in the town meeting halls and the halls of Congress,…If we do we'll make the Tea Party movement look like the tiny band of insignificant nuts that they are. They only hate and oppose. We are offering something positive to propose. We have the advantage if we only take it.

Young Adults Working the Internet

The best bet is to find and recruit the young adults who know how to make the latest forms of web communication work and happily spend untold hours creating blogs, conversing it chat rooms,... They know where all the hot spots are. Not only have they mastered how do it, but they are some of the most important people to engage in our effort. Young people and minorities were substantially responsible for Obama's amazing election. His vision of change energized them. He couldn't have won without them and he reached them through the Internet. We need to do the same, only this time we intend to really make the promised change happen.

There was a very hopeful Pew Poll recently which is worth quoting at length. A recent article by Bloomberg News states:

"...Younger adults, who turned out in unprecedented numbers to help elect Barak Obama ...say liberalism helps define their generation... The survey by Pew Research Center found that those ages 18-29 cited...liberalism/tolerance as characteristics that make them unique from other age groups... The slant toward liberalism showed in their support of government -- 53 percent of them said government should do more to solve problems, compared to... [much lower numbers among older age groups.]... Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center, said that millenials are 'confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change.'"

That's great news! So let we want to invite you directly. If this poll describes you, we invite you to become perhaps the most critical part of achieving our goals to free our government from self-serving big money interests. We can't do it without you. How can you be the creators and connectors that make this all happen?

Making the Video for the Internet

The idea has been highly successful for a number of issues. It goes like this: You or better "we" -- because we are a team -- invite anyone and everyone to make a video of their own chanting we described above -- customizing it however they want, be creative, if they want,...wear whatever expresses who they are... For example

Kids don’t have free speech, Kids can’t afford it and so on: union members don’t have… moms,…dads,…teachers,…doctors,…you get the picture -- the widest, most inclusive representation of society possible [see list]. Something to touch everyone. It says agreement with our goals is inclusive making it easy for diverse people with diverse interests to see their own stake in it.

We invite you to do what you do best – to to seek out the video submissions, receive and edit them in an ever-lengthening string to show a huge cross section of our society to speak with one voice, one chant, one issue. This would be absolutely compelling and catchy. The mantra defines our essence… our starting point, direction and goal. Everything else issues from this center. It's a seed sown to spark interest,... to draw people in to see what's behind the chant.

Connecting on the Internet Using the Video

The next step is to do the connecting. You are the one’s who know how to get messages out on the web in the ways that ideas are able to spread like wildfire. We want that video showing up everywhere spreading like an epidemic. When it is, it will be noticed by the media. [We can’t wait to see what Glen Beck will say in response. He may end up our best salesman by opposing it in the irrational way he does so well.]

So that's the idea of how we spread the word and draw attention to our program to get the big money out of politics: our logo and our chant through young adults using the Internet and the Video. Will you help us make this happen?

Contact us:

p.s. If you want to read or share our complete introductory series and other blog posts about this and other issues,  see our Annotated Table of Contents below. Or if you have questions or comments, email us.     

Annotated Table of Contents
Insist candidates vote for a single act of Congress stating: “There is no relationship between speech and money stated or implied in the US Constitution and therefore no such relationship exists” as the basis of further reforms to limit the abuses of Big Money interests.
Best summary of the proposed “Recover our Democracy Act;” its Constitutional basis; removing purported legal objections, public financing of elections, limits on campaign contributions, public funding of federal elections, preprogrammed campaign website, redefining a bribe and much more
Cut and paste text to share by electronic media to spread the word on our plan
Our appointment being ignored while lobbyists immediately enter our Congressman’s office
Being on the outside: Explaining the meaning of our logo…the corrupting influence of Big Money
Political contributions, Citizens United Supreme Court Decision,  “We don’t have free speech. We can’t afford it,” our solution is an act of Congress,
 “Backdoor money in politics, quid pro quo,  “anything of material value offered or given to, or received and accepted by any candidate, incumbent or governmental employee under any circumstance shall be defined as a bribe,” penalties defined for candidates and government employees.
Our early commentaries: Free speech is fundamental to democracy, different views, uses and limitations of free speech, public financing of elections, fair and balanced media coverage

Original free speech: freedom to speak our mind,  power to “buy” both the “content” and the “delivery” of “free” speech,  "personhood" of corporations, Supreme Court and  Citizens United, ownership of the media, points of view,  political advertising, educational content, bought speech,…

Trickle down economics, tax reductions, income disparity, deregulation, power by changing belief systems, abuses, distortions and lies, is it regulation or just bad regulation?, affording governmental programs and high taxes, millennia of struggle by the rich to retain control vs. democracy,

 85% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans opposed Citizens United

Humans speaking their mind without fear, means of extending the reach of speech [meida], bought speech, literally “free” speech decoupled from money, power of the media, corporate personhood, limitations of free speech, campaigns and political speech, alternative communications for elections: public financing, freedom of the Internet….
Figures on campaign contributions given by largest lobbying corporations [6+ years old = pre Supepr PACs]
One of our earliest posts:We don't have free speech that has meaningful access to our own representatives. Our logo, our slogan, our chants, young adults, spreading the word on the Internet, Obama’s election, making videos,
Largely unedited, free associated ideas on framing the legislation
Free public website designed and formatted to conduct campaigns for office and public issues , FEC provided bank account, and credit cards , campaign accounting system and regulations, partial design specifications, real time public review access…
the most logical public space to allow the free flow of information on issues of public interest
understanding the power of corporations as a means of amassing power and money, the founding fathers originally rejected the existence of corporations,” corporations are not mentioned in the Constitution and have no protected rights; therefore, Congress may limit or abolish corporations as deemed necessary for the public good. Growth of corporate power, personhood of corporations and personal rights attributed to corporations , theory of 14th amendment [due process] applies to corporations,

Monday, February 22, 2010

[draft only]Proposed Legislation: Redefining Free Speech

[Rough draft only: first ideas. Needs review for legal issues and unintended consequences.]

We therefore propose the following legislation be fast-tracked and brought promptly to the floor of both houses of Congress for a roll call vote without amendment. And further that this be done without regard for whether or not passage is believed to be possible. At a minimum, it calls the opposition’s bluff and makes a clear public record of exactly who the opposition is.

Whereas, corporate and commercial interests have come to dominate campaign contributions on which candidates and incumbents are virtually dependent to conduct successful campaigns.

Whereas, these contributions have come to heavily influence if not determine the directions of our governments in favor of large corporations.

Whereas, this “corporate” speech has come to dominate the ownership of the media and the information provided to the public via centralized mass communication.

Whereas, these forces combine to bias public opinion and thus the outcome of elections and the decisions of our governmental representatives in support of their own private commercial interests and at the expense of the public interest;

Whereas, these commercial interests were unforeseeable by the framers of the Constitution in 1878 and are now at least equally a threat to our democratic society as that of unrestrained government;

Whereas, these forces have undermined the democratic intent of free speech to allow individual citizens the meaningful right to address public issues and to directly influence their governmental representatives

Therefore, the following definitions shall apply to the interpretation of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and shall replace, supplant and nullify all previous laws, regulations, and court opinions on every level of government which may be seen to be in conflict with this legislation:

Section I: Free Speech and Bribes Issues

Preventing Big Money Interests from substantially controlling the election process is the "front door" by which they exert this influence. The "back door" is bribery. Both must be eliminated to return control of our government on all levels to the citizen voters.

1. The 1st Amendment protections only apply to and enable individual human beings to express themselves freely without fear of control or retribution from any governmental entity or representative. This Amendment specifically does not apply to “corporate” speech or “bought” speech as defined below.
2. Free speech is defined as “free” in a literal monetary sense – totally free of individual, corporate or other organization’s ability to purchase or otherwise have commercial control over the content or delivery of that free speech.
3. Free speech shall under no circumstances be seen as protecting any right of candidates, incumbents, individuals or corporations to willfully deceive, lie, distort, exaggerate, or the like in order to affect the outcome of any public issue or election.
  •  Such actions by any candidate shall result in their immediate disqualification as candidate or impeachment of any incumbent.
  • Such actions by others shall be subject to fines and/or incarceration in proportion to the issue or campaign they are attempting to interfere with.
4, Because – unforeseen by the framers of the Constitution – commercial control of information has become a threat equal to or greater than that of the government control, 1st Amendment rights are hereby extended to provide the same protections from non-governmental [individual or corporate] entities;

  • Specifically, this law shall prohibit any organization to materially control information in ways which could bias public opinion in relationship to candidates, issues in any election, policies, the formulation of laws or regulations, the awarding of contracts or any other considerations.
  • Material control shall mean that no single interest or collusion of interests may own or otherwise control more than 30% of any media market considering all major means of public communication extant in that market.
  • The “fairness” doctrine requiring fair and balanced presentation and “equal time” doctrine shall apply to all forms of communication by media in the public domain of all issues of public concern,
  • As timing is of the essence in elections, the prompt and rigorous enforcement by the Federal Elections Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, like regulatory agencies and the courts is required before election day if at all possible.
  • Conscious and blatant infractions of this clause with the intent to deceive the public in any matter of public concern shall result in penalties up to and including the forced dissolution of that corporation and an automatic 10 years imprisonment for those persons directly and consciously involved.

5. No corporation, organization or commercial interest may make any campaign contributions or give any form of perquisite to any governmental office holder, representative, or employee of any level of government or to any candidate for election.
6. They are prohibited from exerting pressure of any kind on their employees to make contributions.
7. Individuals may make personal contributions limited to $200.00 for any candidate for election to any office as further defined and regulated elsewhere.
8. Anything of material value offered or given by any organization or individual to any candidate, incumbent or governmental employee shall be defined as a “bribe,” and shall be prima fascia evidence of the crime of bribery. It is the offering, giving or receiving itself that is illegal. That is, it is not necessary to prove that an inducement was intended to bias the outcome of a public decision.

  • The offering of bribes – whether accepted or not – shall be a crime with a mandatory sentence of not less than 10 years imprisonment, and a fine equal to the maximum monetary benefit which may have been received by the person or corporation making the offer. 
  • It shall also include a prohibition of that corporation from ever again receiving any business or contract from any level of government.

9. Likewise, public officials may not accept any perquisite or reward of any kind other than the salary and benefits which are part of their governmental position. [1]

  • The acceptance of any such bribes shall be a crime resulting in immediate disqualification of a candidate for office or impeachment of any incumbent, plus an automatic sentence of not less than 10 years imprisonment. 
  • Evidence of acceptance of a bribe shall automatically require the immediate initiation of impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives with a required roll call vote within 10 days of evidence of a bribe. 
  • An affirmative impeachment vote in the House will be forwarded immediately to the Senate which will then be required to complete the trial with a roll call vote within 10 days. 
  • In both cases, proof of accepting the inducement is prima facia of the crime and the penalties are automatic and mandatory,... no exceptions.

10.  Holders of public office may not receive compensation for giving speeches, attending political events, or any such functions other than as defined under public financing for elections making the same capabilities available to all candidates.

  • The only other exception shall be a maximum $200.00 individual campaign contributions made by registered voters [in the relevant voting district?] as part of the process of qualifying as a candidate for election. 
  • At the end of the election process, any remaining funds shall be transferred to a general campaign funds account and held in trust for future public funding of elections. 
  • Under no circumstances may a candidate or incumbent personally benefit from campaign contributions beyond paying reasonable campaign expenses.

Section II: Free Campaign Internet Website

Once the corrupting influence of Big Money is eliminated, new ways of conducting campaigns must be provided which allow all candidates and issue supporters and opponents to communicate to the public at large on equal footing. In the electronic age we live in, the logical primary source is an elections website. To replace the previous methods of funding the electoral process herein eliminated, Congress shall pass such laws which will provide free and equal access by candidates and regarding ballot issues via the relevant media.

1. This shall include establishing a free Internet website for all candidates for elective offices and ballot issues which shall include all the necessary and appropriate programming to allow

  • the conduct of a political campaign – contact lists including the names and addresses of all registered voters in their voting district and their party affiliation, email blasts, the searchable and orderly presentation of their personal biographies, campaign planks, polling, petitioning, becoming ballot qualified, receiving and accounting any minimum campaign contributions required for ballot qualification, action alerts, allows comments and questions at the end of an individual topic covered, blog capabilities,  etc… normally used in the conduct of electoral and public issue campaigns. This shall be organized by zip code allowing the public to immediately find all the information for and against any candidate or ballot issue relevant to their voting district.
  • This shall be considered the primary source of campaign information. All candidates shall be required to use this website and this site only in the conduct of their campaign.
  • Only the candidate may determine the content of their own site and is fully responsible for its truthfulness and accuracy of that content. If any of the content is shown to be false or seriously deceptive, the information must be immediately edited accordingly or totally removed.
  • This Internet service shall be available free of charge to those qualified and their staff including the periodic opportunity to receive training in the operation of that site.
  • The accounting of all moneys received as public funding or campaign contributions shall be directly deposited in an attached campaign account provided with and included in this website. No money may be used in connection with the campaign that has not passed through this account. All income and expenses must be logged and documented within [48?] hours including source information and copies of receipts identifying [all transactional information.How to best cover this without creating a record keeping nightmare.]  The records of this account will show on the candidate's or issue's website in real time.

Section III
All other media conveying public information shall be required by the FCC  as part of their license to provide all candidates and ballot issues free, fair and equal access to present their arguments side-by-side with their opponents. Infraction of this clause shall lead to the required corporate dissolution of the offending party.
1. Candidate and issues debates shall be established and governed by legislation guaranteeing

  • Participation by all candidates qualified to be on the ballot
  • A structure which allows them to express their views equally and uninterrupted by others and /or to engage each other in an actual debate.
  • Moderators must be entirely fair and impartial and agreed on by all candidates.
  • All such forums for state and federal offices shall be broadcast free of charge on all relevant public media.

2. All paid campaign advertisements shall be illegal.[?]

3. All Federal elections shall be publicly funded. State and local elections shall be encouraged to  have public funding in order to participate in the free elections website. [i.e. I am not sure that Congress can require them to do so.]

Reasonalbe rules need to be established to control personal use of campaign funds.
4. Personal expenditures shall be limited to 3 star hotels and meals and drinks reimbursed at no more than no more than $20.00 each.[?]

5. [Rules for transportation expenses need to be defined in a way to allow equal access to their voting district. Incumbents will be allowed additional transportation from Washington to their districts, but not within their districts.]

Contact us:

p.s. If you want to read or share our complete introductory series and other blog posts about this and other issues,  see our Annotated Table of Contents below. Or if you have questions or comments, email us.     

Annotated Table of Contents
Insist candidates vote for a single act of Congress stating: “There is no relationship between speech and money stated or implied in the US Constitution and therefore no such relationship exists” as the basis of further reforms to limit the abuses of Big Money interests.
Best summary of the proposed “Recover our Democracy Act;” its Constitutional basis; removing purported legal objections, public financing of elections, limits on campaign contributions, public funding of federal elections, preprogrammed campaign website, redefining a bribe and much more
Cut and paste text to share by electronic media to spread the word on our plan
Our appointment being ignored while lobbyists immediately enter our Congressman’s office
Being on the outside: Explaining the meaning of our logo…the corrupting influence of Big Money
Political contributions, Citizens United Supreme Court Decision,  “We don’t have free speech. We can’t afford it,” our solution is an act of Congress,
 “Backdoor money in politics, quid pro quo,  “anything of material value offered or given to, or received and accepted by any candidate, incumbent or governmental employee under any circumstance shall be defined as a bribe,” penalties defined for candidates and government employees.
Our early commentaries: Free speech is fundamental to democracy, different views, uses and limitations of free speech, public financing of elections, fair and balanced media coverage

Original free speech: freedom to speak our mind,  power to “buy” both the “content” and the “delivery” of “free” speech,  "personhood" of corporations, Supreme Court and  Citizens United, ownership of the media, points of view,  political advertising, educational content, bought speech,…

Trickle down economics, tax reductions, income disparity, deregulation, power by changing belief systems, abuses, distortions and lies, is it regulation or just bad regulation?, affording governmental programs and high taxes, millennia of struggle by the rich to retain control vs. democracy,

 85% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans opposed Citizens United

Humans speaking their mind without fear, means of extending the reach of speech [meida], bought speech, literally “free” speech decoupled from money, power of the media, corporate personhood, limitations of free speech, campaigns and political speech, alternative communications for elections: public financing, freedom of the Internet….
Figures on campaign contributions given by largest lobbying corporations [6+ years old = pre Supepr PACs]
One of our earliest posts:We don't have free speech that has meaningful access to our own representatives. Our logo, our slogan, our chants, young adults, spreading the word on the Internet, Obama’s election, making videos,
Largely unedited, free associated ideas on framing the legislation
Free public website designed and formatted to conduct campaigns for office and public issues , FEC provided bank account, and credit cards , campaign accounting system and regulations, partial design specifications, real time public review access…
the most logical public space to allow the free flow of information on issues of public interest
understanding the power of corporations as a means of amassing power and money, the founding fathers originally rejected the existence of corporations,” corporations are not mentioned in the Constitution and have no protected rights; therefore, Congress may limit or abolish corporations as deemed necessary for the public good. Growth of corporate power, personhood of corporations and personal rights attributed to corporations , theory of 14th amendment [due process] applies to corporations,