Annotated Table of Contents
We Don’t Have Free Speech blogsite
We chose a blog as opposed to a website because none of what is presented here is a finished product or done deal. It is a work in progress and can only have a meaningful impact if both its creation and implementation become widely shared. We hope that means you. If you find truth in any of these ideas, we invite you to join a dialogue, suggest additions, editions and deletions, and to make this work a part of your healing work in a badly broken world. May it be so.
Best summary of the proposed “Recover our Democracy Act;”
its Constitutional basis; removing purported legal objections, public financing
of elections, limits on campaign contributions, public funding of federal
elections, preprogrammed campaign website, redefining a bribe and much more
Cut and paste text to share by electronic media to spread
the word on our plan
The Levy Analogy: My
Story, Seeing the power of Big $$$
Our appointment being ignored while lobbyists immediately enter
our Congressman’s office
The Levy Analogy:
Being on the outside: Explaining the meaning of our logo…the
corrupting influence of Big Money
GET BIG $$$ out of
politics NOW
Political contributions, Citizens United Supreme Court
Decision, “We don’t
have free speech. We can’t afford it,” our
solution is an act of Congress,
Redefining a bribe
“Backdoor money in
politics, quid pro quo, “anything
of material value offered or given to, or received and
accepted by any candidate, incumbent or governmental employee under any
circumstance shall be defined as a bribe,” penalties defined for
candidates and government employees.
Introduction: Free, Corporate and Bought Speech
Our early commentaries: Free speech is fundamental to
democracy, different views, uses and limitations of free speech, public
financing of elections, fair and balanced media coverage
"Free" Speech or "Bought" Speech
Original free speech: freedom to speak our mind, power
to “buy” both the “content” and the “delivery” of “free” speech, "personhood" of corporations,
Supreme Court and Citizens United,
ownership of the media, points of view, political advertising, educational content,
bought speech,…
Is the Problem Big Government or Big Business?
Trickle down economics, tax reductions, income disparity,
deregulation, power by changing belief systems, abuses, distortions and lies, is
it regulation or just bad regulation?, affording governmental programs and high
taxes, millennia of struggle by the rich to retain control vs. democracy,
Right & Left Unite in Opposition to Unlimited Corporate
Spending on Elections
85% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans opposed
Citizens United
Definitions Relevant to "Free Speech"
Humans speaking their mind
without fear, means of extending the reach of speech [meida], bought speech,
literally “free” speech decoupled from money, power of the media, corporate personhood,
limitations of free speech, campaigns and political speech, alternative communications
for elections: public financing, freedom of the Internet….
Corporate campaign contributions clearly buy influence
Figures on campaign
contributions given by largest lobbying corporations [6+ years old = pre Supepr
We Don’t Have Free Speech; We can't afford it
One of our earliest posts:We don't have free speech
that has meaningful access to our own representatives. Our logo, our slogan, our chants, young adults, spreading
the word on the Internet, Obama’s election, making videos,
[Very rough draft] Proposed Legislation: Redefining Free Speech
Largely unedited, free associated ideas on framing the legislation
[Draft only]Legislation to Provide a National Elections Website
Free public website designed
and formatted to conduct campaigns for office and public issues , FEC provided
bank account, and credit cards , campaign accounting system and
regulations, partial design specifications, real time public review access…
[Draft only]Legislation: Free Speech & the Internet
…the most logical
public space to allow the free flow of information on issues of public interest
Constitutional Issues for the Legally Minded
“understanding the
power of corporations as a means of amassing power and money, the founding
fathers originally rejected the existance of corporations,” corporations
are not mentioned in the Constitution and have no protected rights; therefore,
Congress may limit or abolish corporations as deemed necessary for the public
good. Growth of corporate power, personhood of corporations and personal rights
attributed to corporations , theory of 14th amendment [due process]
applies to corporations,
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